MiniWorkers - Ultimate MicroJob Marketplace


MiniWorkers - Ultimate MicroJob Marketplace

MiniWorkers - Ultimate MicroJob Marketplace

MiniWorkers is a Microjob PLatform. You can create a Microjob Marketplace or Micro-Service Platform with MiniWorkers within minutes.

MiniWorkers was created to provide a better marketplace to the users and the business owners. Not everything can be done by tracking automatically, You can send a user with a tracking link but you won't be able to know if user actually did what you asked them to do.
MiniWorkers comes with a unique concept where you will be able to get proofs from users to verify if they did or not. You can ask users to submit screenshots or any other information as proof.

You can create a marketplace where employer can post a job with instructions to follow and interested users will book that job and submit proof after completing.
Employer can post any kind of mini-job such as testing their app or website, complete survey, promote their business, follow their socials, and even social services like planting trees, etc. You can add any category and sub-category you want. Every job needs to be review and approved by the admin so every job is legit and safe to the users.

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  • TeraBox लिंक से फ़ाइलें डाउनलोड करने के लिए VPN का उपयोग करें।
  • Use VPN to download files from terabox links.
  • terabox এর লিঙ্ক থেকে ফাইল ডাউনলোড করতে হলে ভিপিএন ব্যাবহার করুন।
  • Gunakan VPN untuk mengunduh file dari tautan terabox.

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